Keep Flutter web storage after close and run again when developing

Quan Ngo
Apr 3, 2021
when development, currently flutter always run a new chrome profile when ever we run the web, so to preserve storage after close web and run again, follow below guide
  1. add port param when run the app, because if we not set the port, flutter will always create a random port every run
--web-port 8686

2. open flutter/packages/flutter_tools/lib/src/web/chrome.dart


final Directory userDataDir = _fileSystem.systemTempDirectory


final Directory userDataDir = _fileSystem.currentDirectory.childDirectory('.dart_tool')

comment out

// if (cacheDir != null) {
// //Seed data dir with previous state.
// _restoreUserSessionInformation(cacheDir, userDataDir);
// }
// if (cacheDir != null) {
// print('qqq cache delay ${cacheDir.path}');
// unawaited(process.exitCode.whenComplete(() {
// _cacheUserSessionInformation(userDataDir, cacheDir);
// }));
// }

then go to flutter/bin/cache and delete the flutter_tools.stamp (to force flutter tool build again) file then run the app again.

